Please note that with these resources it is not required that the child is tested for dyscalculia first.  You can of course use our online test with your child, but you can also go straight to the relevant book – especially if you have a strong feeling for where your child’s weaknesses lie.

Dyscalculia activities 1: addition to division provides a series of activities that will resolve the mathematical “block” that many of these children face, in a series of small group or individual lessons.

By working through these activities children who have fundamental problems in handling the most basic of mathematical concepts will learn how to handle numbers, sequences, addition, multiplication, subtraction and division. The book takes the child from the concept of “higher” and “lower” to division by numbers over 12.

It is not anticipated that most children will need to work through the whole book; rather the volume is constructed so that you can direct the pupil to work on specific topics in order to clarify issues previously misunderstood.

You will also need to provide a series of coloured counters (such as those used with games of Ludo or tiddlywinks) and for some of the later work, a set of cards.

Dyscalculia activities 1: addition to division is provided as a download so that you can either read each day’s activities from the screen, or if you prefer print each day’s activities out onto paper. 

Order code: T1654 £14.95

To see sample pages please click here


Dyscalculia activities 2: shapes, fractions, percentages

Dyscalculic children have a significant problem understanding mathematical concepts. But these pupils can learn their way around maths if they are taught in a specific multi-sensory manner.

Our volume Dyscalculia activities 2: shapes, fractions, percentages uses this technique to enable parents to teach the next level of activities after addition, subtraction, multiplication and division using the same multi-sensory techniques that have proved successful in the earlier book. As before the book requires no additional equipment or materials save for a collection of coloured counters.

One of the huge benefits of this approach is that it not only works with children who have the genetic disorder which gives rise to dyscalculia, it also benefits those children who are failing to grasp mathematical concepts because of interrupted schooling or an aversion to maths which has developed because of early failure. Experience suggests that a short period of using multi-sensory techniques can be enough to overcome such problems and bring the child back to the class average.

Each activity within the book can be completed within a maximum of ten minutes, thus allowing the you to stop the work the moment the child shows signs of maths-aversion, frustration or tiredness.

Order code: T1719  £14.95

To see sample pages please click here


Dyscalculia activities 3: Time and timetables

Time is the ultimate sequence, and children who master the concept of time usually overcome all their problems with sequencing and also find many concepts in maths much easier to handle. Indeed it is noticeable that many children who have difficulties with maths also have particular difficulties with the concept of time.

Dyscalculia activities 3: Time and timetables contains exercises and activities that are designed to overcome such problems and ensure that children have a full ability to handle all the concepts of time – from the passing of seasons to the use of the 24 hour clock and the reading of timetables.

The book contains a range of straightforward tests which will reveal where the child’s particular problems lie. This is followed by a series of activities covering all aspects of time.

Those children who are able to do five minutes homework a day on the subject of time will find that their understanding of time develops extremely quickly.

The book is available in as a download which means that you can either read each activity from the screen or print it out for your use with your child at home. 

Order code: T1712 £14.95

Available as a download only.  To see sample pages please click here.


Dyscalculia Practice Activities

While some dyscalculic pupils and students find that they have complete blocks when it comes to specific areas of maths other pupils and students will have picked up some basics of maths and will not need this in-depth re-learning of fundamental mathematical activities.

Instead they will benefit from a multi-sensory set of revision activities across a much wider area.

It is for these pupils and students that Dyscalculia Practice Activities has been developed.

The volume consists of 91 separate activities – each of which is divided into a number of parts.  Each activity deals with a different teaching point ranging from more or less to times tables, from division to the properties of shapes, and finally from fractions to percentages.

The materials are also ideal for allowing you and your child ls to go back and revise topics recently learned with a set of quick multi-sensory revision activities, all graded so that the pupil is not asked to solve issues that have not recently been revised.

Throughout, the book is written in a way that will allow you to work either with a single individual or with a small group of pupils or students whose difficulties fall into the same area.

Order code: T1782 £14.95

Available as a download only. To see sample pages please click here.


Maths cards and counters

We sell packs of times table cards and blank cards which are suitable for use when working with dyscalculic children. They will be needed when working through the Dyscalculia Activities books.

The pack comprises: multiplication cards, division cards, blank cards and counters.

Times tables covered are from 0 to 10, and 20, and they come in assorted colours. Blank cards come in assorted colours in packs of 144.

The counters come in a bags of 80 counters - 2 each of red, yellow, blue and green.

Delivery will be via Royal Mail and will require a signature.



You can order any of these resources

  • At our on-line shop
  • By phone to 01604 880 927 with a credit card
  • With a cheque by post to, 1 Oathill Close, Brixworth, Northampton, 9BE.  Please make cheques payable to Websites and Blogs Ltd



Contact details

The Dyscalculia Information Centre
1 Oathill Close

Phone: 01604 880 927

Email enquiries

Head of Centre

Tony Attwood C.Ed., B.A., M.Phil (Lond), F.Inst.A.M


Legal stuff

The Dyscalculia Information Centre is fully owned by Websites and Blogs Ltd, a company registered in England. 

Registration number: 07147376     

Registered address: 9 Home Farm Close, Great Oakley, Northants NN18 8HQ.