Dyscalculia is an inability to learn how to do basic maths in the way that the majority of the population can do.  It is a genetic problem, and as such it can’t be overcome by taking medication or by being taught maths in the conventional way.

However it is possible for both children and adults to overcome the problem through receiving tuition in a unique way - a way that is quite different from the way in which maths is normally taught in class.

This tuition can take place in school, usually via the special needs teacher, or it can also be undertaken at home by the parent or a friend of the family who does not suffer from dyscalculia.

If you are a parent seeking to work with the school the best approach is to talk to the school’s Special Needs Coordinator (often call the SENCO).   The school may then choose to have the young person tested either via an educational psychologist or by using our online diagnostic test - although not every school will opt to pay for a test.

If the school does not wish to test the child, parents may, however, opt to have their child tested directly.

Parents who arrange for their child to take the online diagnostic test for dyscalculia will receive a full report on the results, and where we believe dyscalculia is evident we will supply a set of resources that can be used with that child to overcome some of their mathematical difficulties.

You can also purchase these materials directly, without having the young person take the diagnostic test.  There are two sets of resources, one for parents working with their child, one for school special needs departments.

The links above take you to pages that list all the resources.  Just click on each one in turn and your will find the details of the item, and be able to place an order.  If you have any questions please email This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

Schools can order by:

a) send in a cheque payable to Websites and Blogs Ltd
b) send in an official school order or give us an order number
c) pay via PayPal This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

Parents can order by:

a) send in a cheque payable to Websites and Blogs Ltd
b) pay via PayPal This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

In each case you will be forwarded a link so that you can then take the test at any time you wish.

Contact details

The Dyscalculia Information Centre
9 Home Farm Close
Great Oakley
NN18 8HQ

Email enquiries Tony@schools.co.uk

Head of Centre

Tony Attwood C.Ed., B.A., M.Phil (Lond), F.Inst.A.M


Legal stuff

The Dyscalculia Information Centre is fully owned by Mandy Tobin Homes Ltd, a company registered in England. 

Registration number: 07741652

Registered address: 9 Home Farm Close, Great Oakley, Northants NN18 8HQ.